Recover lost mail password with k9mail
Let’s say you forgot your mail password, let’s say you use k9mail (maybe it works also with other clients but idk) well you can recover the password having it in plaintext.
- An android smartphone with k9mail installed and with a working configuration (it has to know you’r password)
- Adb
- Usb debugging enabled
- Optional:root
How to do it:
We have 2 ways to recover the password: one with root and one without, first without
I’ll assume you use linux.
Open a shell and issue the following
svalo:$ adb backup -f data.ab com.fsck.k9
-f specifies the output filename and com.fsck.k9 is the name of the app you want to extract
Now you have to extract the archive, on arch I used abe, it comes in the AUR
abe unpack data.ab k9.tar
You’ll find yourself with an archive called k9.tar wich you have to extract
tar xvf k9.tar
Now you need to find and browse the right sqlite database, I used sqlitebrowser wich comes from community repository in Arch open it and open the file called
in the same folder runsvalo:$ sqlitebrowser data/apps/com.fsck.k9/db/preferences_storage
Go in section browse data and select
table, search for a primkey like<somename>.transportUri
and copy it’s value, let’s say it’s"c210cCtzc2wrOi8vbWVAZXhhbXBsZS5jb206bXlwYXNzd29yZDpQTEFJTkBtYWlsLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tOjQ2NQo="
The value you copied is base64 encoded so it’s enough to
echo "c210cCtzc2wrOi8vbWVAZXhhbXBsZS5jb206bXlwYXNzd29yZDpQTEFJTkBtYWlsLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tOjQ2NQo=" | base64 -d
and you’ll get
The filed in the position of
is the password of your account
The second method instead it’s a bit easier because with a rooted phone you can just browse trough adb shell inside /data foder untill you’ll find the com.ksck.k9 folder (usually in /data/data/com.ksck.k9 ) and pull it in a folder, you can then search for the file preferences_storage and follow the previous instructions
Credits: This blog